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Debt entry - Payment plan tab

Enter debts directly in cases such as when Purchase is not used.
→To Operation Procedure

Screen Transition

[The Unpaid Control Module]
[Debt Entry]
[Debt entry] screen - Payment plan tab
    [Debt entry] screen - Header tab
    [Debt entry] screen - Details tab

Item setup

Set up the settlement information, such as the settlement method, bank code, debts a/c and debts dept. Click the">>>(0)"button on the right side of the upper part of the screen to switch the display between the [Main Item] and the [Sub Item].

[Main Item] (on the upper part of the screen)

[Correspondent's Bank Account (EB) Transmission]

[Sub Item] (upper part of the screen)

[Spread] (lower part of the screen)

[Spread of Amount Display] (lower part of the screen)


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