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Procedure for journal searching


For the Journal searching of the [General Accounting], you can search for the journal data entered in the Journal data of the [General accounting module] and the auto-journal data from the [Deferred tax accounting module].

For the journal data of the [Multi-currency accounting], you can search for the journal data entered in the [Multi-currency accounting] and the auto-journal data from the [Integrated claims/debts control module].

1. Screen Display Method

  1. Select: [Standard Accounting] → [General Accounting] or [Multi-Currency Accounting] → [Entry]
  2. From the menu, select [Journal Searching]
    → [Journal searching] screen

2. Searching Conditions Entry

To Menu Reference

  1. Enter the searching condition of the journal data. Specify the type from the " Voucher type" pull-down menu so that you can process the search from the narrowed journal data in the specific modules.
    Select one of the following voucher types for searching.

    [General Accounting Module]

    [Multi-Currency Accounting Module]

    Voucher Type

    Voucher Description

    Voucher Type

    Voucher Description


    T/F vouchers in General accounting


    T/F vouchers in Multi-currency accounting
    Receiving/Payment Receiving/Payment vouchers in General accounting Receiving/Payment Receiving/Payment vouchers in Multi-currency accounting
    Deferred tax Auto-journal in Deferred tax accounting Deferred
    Deferred auto depreciation journal
    - Notes receivable control Update notes receivable status journal
    Expenses management
    Web expenses management (Note 1)
    Notes payable control Update notes payable status journal
    Claims entry/settle claims Claims requests, sales vouchers (Note 2)
    Debts entry/settle debts Debts requests, purchase vouchers (Note 2)
    Settle (offset claims/debts) Offset settlement journal
    Settle (NR/claims) Matching settlement journal (NR)
    Settle (NP/debts) Matching settlement journal (NP)
    Settle (receipt/debts) Claims matching settlement journal
    Settle (auto-transfer/debts) JBA payment data (Note 3)

    (Note 1) The Web data: Both entry and payment are made in the PS term (accrual basis).
    (Note 2)
    Entered auto-journal data and settled auto-journal data
    (Note 3)
    The data: Entry is made for the PS term, while payment is made in the next term (cash basis).

  2. After you enter the searching condition, click the "Refer (X)" button.
    → [Journal data] screen appears.

3. Checking Searching Results

To Menu Reference

  1. Check the list of searching results.
  2. Double-click on the row where you want to check the details, or click the row and then click the "Detail (D)" button.
    → the [Journal Details] screen appears.

4. Checking Details

To Menu Reference

  1. Click the tab to check the details data.

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