Lease contract entry - Payment data tab
On the [Payment data] tab for lease contract
entry, you can enter contract condition and payment schedule. You can also display a list of payments
from the first installation date to the latest.
→ "Operating lease" and "Off-balance" → To
Operation Procedure
→ "Finance lease" and "On-balance" → To
Operation Procedure
→ "Finance lease" and "Off-balance" → To
Operation Procedure
Assets Module]
[Lease contract entry]
contract entry] screen - Contract
information tab
[Lease contract entry] screen - Payment
data tab
"Lease discount
calculation" button → [Lease discount calculation] screen
"Execute" button (when
"Interest" is "Monthly payment") → [First payment interest calculation] screen
"Execute" button (when
the calculation is executed more than twice) → [Refresh payment schedule] screen
contract entry] screen - A/C and Payment method tab
Item Setup
[Lease condition]
Payment method
When you selected lease transaction type whose "Lease type" on the [Contract
information] tab is finance lease, enter "Principal-equal," "Equal payment" or
When you selected lease transaction type whose "Lease type" on the [Contract
information] tab is operating lease, the item shows "Operating lease" and no
modification can be made.
Principal-equal payment method: Method
that the principal should be repaid at fixed amount. The repayment amount comes to the principal added with
payment interest.
Equal payment method: Method that the
payment amount is fixed for each installation. The principal is the repayment amount subtracted with
interest. Although the principal
is small in the early period, as the period goes later, as the principal will
become bigger.
Others: Method other than the above
payment methods.
T/F date (in case of closure)
Select "Previous business day" or "Next business day." The default displays none. Select T/F date in case that the
bank is closed on payment due date.
The selected result will be reflected on payment due date of the
[Payment schedule] section.
Payment count
It is not displayed when "Others" is selected in "Payment method."
Select if you want to calculate interest based on "Daily payment" or "Monthly
payment." It is displayed only
when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease type" of the [Contract information]
Fraction adjustment (interest)
Select the fraction adjustment method for interest from "Revaluate," "Omit" or
"Round off." It is displayed only
when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease type" of the [Contract information]
Daily repayment days (in case of
Select "Contract date" or "T/F date."
In this item, you can specify the range of repayment days in case that
the bank is closed on payment due date (displayed in the [Payment schedule]
When you select "Contract date," the Daily repayment days cover the period from
the payment due date to the next payment due date. Meanwhile, when you select "T/F date," they cover the period
from the T/F date (displayed in the [Payment schedule] section) to the next T/F
Daily repayment days
Select "Excluding the date of front end," "Excluding the date of rear end" or
"Including both days."
"Excluding the
date of front end"´ interest calculation method that only
includes completion date (expiration date, last repayment date).
"Excluding the
date of rear end"´ interest calculation method that only
includes borrowings date.
both days"´ interest calculation method that
includes both completion date (expiration date, last repayment date) and
borrowings date.
Annual days
Set up the days consisted in one year.
First principal repayment date
It is displayed only when "Others" is selected in "Payment
method." Enter the first
repayment date for the borrowing principal. No modification is allowed after the first principal
repayment is completed.
Principal repayment date
It is displayed only when "Others" is selected in "Payment
method." Select the principal
repayment date from "1-31." If you
want to enter the closing date, enter "31."
Principal repayment interval
It is displayed only when "Others" is selected in "Payment
method." Enter the number of
months from "1 to "12" based on the principal repayment interval.
First payment Amt
It should be entered when you enter "3" or bigger in "Payment
Last payment Amt
It should be entered when you enter "2" or bigger in "Payment count".
First payment date
Payment date
Enter the monthly payment date from "1" to "31."
Payment interval
Enter the number of months from "1 to "12" based on the payment interval.
First coupon payment date
It is displayed only when "Others" is selected in "Payment method."
Coupon payment date
It is displayed only when "Others" is selected in "Payment
method." Enter the coupon
payment date from "1" to "31." If
you want to enter the closing date, enter "31."
Coupon payment interval
It is displayed only when "Others" is selected in "Payment
method." Enter the number of
months from "1 to "12" based on the repayment interval.
[Interest spread]
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is
selected in "Lease transaction type."
Interest change date
The default displays the same date as that in "Lease start
Interest type
Select "Floating rate" or "Fixed rate."
Interest rate
[Lease debts]
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is
selected in "Lease transaction type."
Unpaid lease balance
Click the "Lease debts calculation" button, and "Discount current value of
total lease price" will be calculated.
After the value is compared with "Quotation purchase value" entered on
the [Contract information] tab, the smaller one will be displayed in "Unpaid
lease balance." When "Quotation purchase value" is smaller, "Interest
(%)" value on the interest spread will be cleared. The formula to calculate "Discount
current value of total lease price" is as follows:
Discount current value of total lease price
= {First lease payment amount / (1 + Interest × Months /
Annual months)} + {Lease installment amount / (1 + Interest × Months /
Annual months)2}+ .... + {Lease
installment amount / (1 + Interest × Months / Annual months)n - 1} + {Last lease payment amount / (1 + Interest × Months /
Annual months)n} + {(Bargain purchase value + Remaining value guarantee amount)/ (1 + Interest × Months / Annual months)n}
(n means payment count)
[Payment schedule] (Upper)
Contract date
Total lease expenses paid
"Total lease price" of the [Contract information] tab is
displayed. When "Bargain
purchase value" is entered, "Total lease price" summed with
"Bargain purchase value" is displayed.
Unpaid lease price balance
Lease expiration date
[Payment schedule] (Lower)
Payment due date
Displayed in red when the bank is closed on that date.
T/F date
Total payment Amt
"Lease expenses paid" summed with "Tax" is displayed.
Lease expenses paid
Click the button and "Discount current value of
total lease price" will be calculated.
After the "Discount current value of total lease price" is compared with
"Quotation purchase value" entered on the [Contract information] tab, the
smaller one will be displayed in "Unpaid lease balance."
It is displayed only when "Off-balance" is selected in journal entry type of
lease transaction type selected in "Lease transaction type."
Lease debts repayment Amt
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease transaction
Payment interest
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease transaction
Unpaid balance
Unpaid lease debts balance
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease transaction
Daily/Monthly payment
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease transaction
It shows whether interest calculation is based on daily pay or monthly pay.
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease transaction
It shows the number of days/months from the last T/F date to the latest T/F
date. It indicates the number of
days/months based on daily payment or monthly payment.
When payment for the line is already processed in [Lease payment commit entry],
mark the checkbox.
When you cancel the payment in [Lease termination entry], mark the "Unpaid"
checkboxes of the lines except the ones whose "Paid" checkbox is ON. When the "Unpaid" checkbox is ON, it
cannot be interlocked with [Debts Control] because no process can be made in
[Lease payment commit entry].
Lease discount calculation
It is displayed only when "Finance lease" is selected in "Lease transaction
type." Click the button to display
the [Lease discount calculation] screen where current discount value of total
lease price is calculated. After
entering "Monthly pay Amt," "Payment count" and
"Interest rate," click the "Discount calculate (C)" button
to calculate lease debts total Amt.
Afterwards, click the "OK" button, and the calculated lease
debts total Amt will be reflected in "Lease debts entry Amt" of the [Payment
data] tab.
This button calculates repayment schedule for the lines on which a cursor is
Bulk Recalculation
This button calculates repayment schedule for all lines.
- Execute
Enter the lease condition and click the button. A list of payment schedules that are calculated in the
[Payment schedule] section will be displayed.
After the list is displayed, click the button again to display the [Refresh
payment schedule] screen. On the
[Refresh payment schedule] screen, you can specify after which line of payment
schedule should be recreated on the list.
Add row
- Clear
- Del row
Read Ptrn
Regist Ptrn