Create receipt of notes receivable data
Collection plan data is
summarized with "Accountee/Correspondent group," "Summary condition 1-3" or "Sum
by due date check" as the summary key and receipt data is created.
Switching between "Status before divide" and "Status after divide" tabs allows
reference of the receipt information before/after divide.
Clicking the "Div" button automatically divides receipt.
If collection plan is not to be matched, directly enter the Amt on the receipt.
→ To Operation Procedure
[Notes Receivable Module]
[Create receipt of notes receivable data]
[Create receipt of
notes receivable data (indicate collection plan)] screen – New
(If the "Collection plan matching" check box is turned ON)
"Start" button → [Create receipt of notes
receivable data (indicate summary conditions)] screen
"Start" button → [Create receipt of notes
receivable data] screen
(If the "Collection plan matching" check box is turned OFF)
"Start" button → [Create receipt of notes
receivable data] screen
[Create receipt
of notes receivable data (indicate collection plan)] screen – Modify/Delete
"Start" button → [Create receipt of notes
receivable data] screen
Item Setup - [Header]
The currency selected on the [Create receipt of notes receivable data (indicate
collection plan)] screen is displayed.
Entry date (displayed only when
matched with collection plan)
The "Entry date" entered on the [Create receipt of
notes receivable data (indicate summary conditions)] screen is displayed. If the currency is
"Std currency," this
item is not displayed. Directly
enter the entry date in "Receipt date" of the [Spread].
Exchange rate (displayed only when
matched with collection plan)
The "Exchange rate" entered on the [Create receipt
of notes receivable data (indicate summary conditions)] screen is
displayed. For Std currency, "1.000000"
is displayed.
Summary condition 1-3 (displayed
only when matched with collection plan)
The individual conditions selected on the [Create
receipt of notes receivable data (indicate summary conditions)] screen are
displayed. If not specified, "None"
is displayed.
By due date (displayed only when
matched with collection plan)
The setting of the "Sum by due date" check box on
the [Create receipt of notes receivable data (indicate summary conditions)]
screen is displayed.
Item Setup - [Status before divide] tab
For New, turn the check box ON for collection plan
data for which receipt is created.
However, the box for the data with the "Created" check box ON cannot be
For Modify/Delete, turn the check box ON for receipt data to delete.
For New, the check box for the data for which receipt
data has been created is turned ON.
The receipt data with the check box ON is for reference only for all
items before and after divide and cannot be modified.
Receipt date
If matched with collection plan, "system date" is
displayed as the receipt entry date.
This cannot be modified.
If not matched with collection plan, enter the receipt entry date. The default is the system date.
Accountee code/Correspondent group
code, name
If matched with collection plan, the code and name
of "Accountee code" or "Correspondent group" are displayed depending on the
selection on the [Create receipt of notes receivable data (indicate collection
plan)] screen. They cannot be
If not matched with collection plan, enter the accountee.
Received Amt
If matched with collection plan, the summary of "Issue
receipt object Amt" on the [Create receipt of notes receivable data (indicate
summary conditions)] screen is displayed as the amount.
If not matched with collection plan, enter the total of the received Amt before
divide. Negative amounts cannot be
Taxable type
The VAT to appear on the receipt is calculated
based on the tax rate for the taxable type selected.
If specified with "Taxable type" on the [Create receipt of notes receivable
data (indicate summary conditions)] screen, the contents is displayed.
If not specified with "Taxable type" on the [Create receipt of notes receivable
data (indicate summary conditions)] screen, this can be selected from other
than the purchase-related taxable types that are registered with [Register
taxable type] of [Common master].
Internal calculation is performed based on the "Received Amt" and "Taxable
type" tax rate.
This can be manually modified but amounts exceeding the received Amt
cannot be entered.
Amt before tax
Amt before tax (=Received Amt – VAT) is
displayed. This cannot be
Stamp duty object Amt
If "Currency" is foreign currency, the result of "Received
amount times exchange rate" is displayed.
This can be manually modified.
This is not displayed for "Std currency."
Divide object
Turn the check box ON for the data to be the object
of automatic divide. Clicking the "Div"
button starts automatic divide.
However, only the data with the "Create" check box ON can be
checked. The data with the "Divided"
check box ON cannot be checked.
The check box for collection plan data after divide
is turned ON. This cannot be
Due date (only displayed for New)
Displayed only when "Sum by due date" is selected
for summary with [Create receipt of notes receivable data (indicate summary
conditions)]. This cannot be
Summary condition 1, 2, 3 codes, name
(only displayed for New)
If summary conditions 1, 2 and 3 are selected with [Create
receipt of notes receivable data (indicate summary conditions)], the code and
name of the master specified as summary condition 1 are displayed. They cannot be modified. They can be displayed only when
specified as summary conditions.
Update Opr code, name
Update Opr code and name are displayed, which
cannot be modified.
Click for "Bulk setup" and "Bulk cancel" for object
of creation.
Divide object
Click for "Bulk setup" and "Bulk cancel" for object
of divide.
Clicking this button displays the [Divide]
screen. In "Maximum divide number,"
the maximum divide number set with [Receipt stamp duty setup] is displayed by
default, which can be modified by selecting a number between "1" and "5"
inclusive. In "Minimum Amt after divide," the minimum Amt after divide set with [Receipt stamp duty setup] id
displayed by default, which can be modified as well.
Item Setup - [Status after divide] tab
The contents of the "Created" item on the [Status
before divide] tab are displayed, which cannot be modified.
Row No. bfr Div
Spread line No. on the [Status before divide] tab
is displayed, which cannot be modified.
Receipt date
The entry date on the receipt entered on the [Status
before divide] tab is displayed only when [Currency] is "Std currency." This cannot be modified.
Internal No.
Prefix No., numbering
Receipt No.
Enter receipt No.. The method of entry may differ depending on the numbering type. For details of numbering type, see the
table below:
Sequential No. with prefix No.
If the numbering type is "Manually,"
entry is required. "×" means that
item itself is not displayed.
Accountee code/Correspondent group
code, name
The code and name of accountee or correspondent group are displayed depending
on the selection with [Create receipt of notes receivable data (indicate
collection plan)]. They cannot be
Received Amt
Before "Div," "Received Amt" on the "Before divide"
tab is displayed by default, which can be changed. After "Div," the result of backward calculation of
duty object Amt" with "Exchange rate" is displayed. This can be changed.
At saving, whether the "Total received Amt after divide" is matched with "Received
Amt" before divide is checked to confirm that they agree. Note that amounts that are negative or
smaller than VAT cannot be entered.
Taxable type
Taxable type is displayed, which cannot be
modified. This is displayed only
in the last row after divide.
"VAT" set with the "Before divide" tab is displayed
in the last row after divide.
Amt before tax
Amt before tax (=Received Amt – VAT) is displayed.
Stamp duty object Amt
Before "Div," "Stamp duty object Amt" on the "Before divide" tab is displayed, which can be modified. After
"Div," the result of division of the "Stamp duty
object Amt" on the "Before division" tab is displayed. This is displayed only when
is "Foreign currency." This can be
manually modified, but the "Received Amt" after modification does not change.
Stamp duty
The stamp duty for the "Stamp duty object Amt" is
displayed, which cannot be modified.
Flexible master 1-3 codes, name
Flexible master can be specified as required.
Row No. bfr Div
The row No. of the data before divide is displayed, which cannot be modified.
Total received Amt
The total received amount of the data before divide
is displayed, which cannot be modified.
Current Total (B)
The total received amount after divide is displayed, which cannot be modified.
Difference (= A – B)
The result of "Total Received Amt (A)" – "Current
Total (B)" is calculated and displayed, which cannot be modified. The difference must be 0 for all notes
data created for them to be saved.