Shipping order list
Based on the conditions specified in [Shipping order entry (summary method)], the summary of shipping order candidates will be listed. Make selection from the list, and then create the shipping order data.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Shipping Control Module]
[Shipping Order Entry (Summary Method)]
[Shipping order (Summary method)] screen
button → [Shipping order list] screen
"D entry" button → [Sub item entry] screen
button → [Refer sales order data] screen
Item Setup
Entry date
In charge
Register (Diplays only for Shipping orde)
Check the checkboxes on the detail rows to create the Shipping order.
To summarize multiple details into one Shipping order Voucher, check the checkbox for the detail rows with the same "GRP" number.
Simultaneous delivery (Displays only for Shipping order)
Check the checkbox for the detail rows to make the shipment at the same time as the Shipping order.
Cancel (Displays only for Cancel shipping order)
Check the checkbox on the detail rows to cancel the Shipping order.
GRP (Displays only for Shipping order)
The same number will be allocated by the units specified in "Summary unit" under [Shipping order
entry (summary method)]. The details of the same number can be summarized into one Shipping order Voucher.
Transfer from internal No. (sales order)
The Internal Number of the Sales order voucher used for the Shipping order will be displayed.
Transfer from No. (sales order)
The Number of the Sales order voucher used for the Shipping order will be displayed.
Transfer from row No. (detail row No.)
The detail row Number of the Sales order Voucher used for the Shipping order will be displayed.
Customer purchase order No.
Goods code, Name
No., Shipping order No. (prefix No.), Shipping order No.
(numbering), Shipping order No.
When creating Shipping order, the default operator Prefix Number will be displayed. Change the number if necessary.
When Canceling shipping order, the Number of the created shipping order voucher will appear.
Order row No.
The row number of the detail row used for creating Shipping order Voucher will appear. The detail row Number of the shipping order Voucher created in "GRP" Number units will be displayed.
Order available Qty
When creating Shipping order, the default Reserved available Qty will appear by Shipping order candidate. When the shipping order of the reserve qty has been partially completed, the "Shipping order
balance (Reserve Qty - Qty of ordered shipping)" will be displayed.
Std unit
The Std unit already registered in the [Goods master] will display by goods.
Shipping order unit1
When creating Shipping order, the shipping order units that will be used for this shipping order will be displayed. For goods with the Packing units registered, changes can be made.
Nothing will display in Cancel shipping order.
Shipping order Qty
The default goods qty entered in detail will display. When making the shipment by specifying only a partial quantity, changes can also be made. However, you may not enter a quantity larger than the Order available Qty.
The QUP units specified in "Shipping order unit1" will display.
Std Qty
The Shipping order Qty (Shipping order Qty & times QUP) in Std conversion Units will be displayed.
Ordered balance Qty
The quantity in the Reserved Shipping quantity of which the shipping order has not been made (Order available Qty - Std Qty) will display.
Delivering date
Pref Delv date
Reply date of shipping schedule
Dept code (warehouse/process), Name
The Warehouse/Process Dept specified at the time of Sales order entry will be displayed. Changes can be made. When specifications have not been made in Sales order entry, you must enter here.
Location code, Name
No., Shipping No.(prefix No.), Shipping No.(numbering), Shipping No.
When canceling shipping order, the Shipping voucher Number allocated when shipping register was done at the same time as shipping order will appear.
Accountee code/Employee code, Name
Delivery code (to), Name
The Delivery to location entered at the time of Sales order entry will display. Changes can be made. When entry has not been made at the time of Sales order entry, you must enter here.
Consignee, Name
End user, Name
Taxable type code, Name, Internal/External, Currency code, Name, Unit price setup, Current unit price, Packing unit price, Current packing unit price
This may be displayed or may not be displayed depending on the authorized "Hide amount" set up by the class of the Operator who is logged in.
Entry standard
Goods group, Name
Product structure code, Name
Goods number (correspondent), Name
Trade condition
Correspondent type
L/C control No.
SO Dept code, Name
In charge code of sales order, Name
STC error status (Displays only for Shipping order)
Internal blanket approval No.(accountee)
Internal blanket approval No.(consignee)
Internal blanket approval No.(end user)
STC individual blanket No.
Set all, Cancel all (RegisterIssue) (Displays only in Shipping order)
Clicking this button checks/unchecks the "Register" checkbox in the [spread] in batch.
Set all, Cancel all (Simultaneous delivery)( Displays only for Shipping order)
Clicking this button checks/unchecks the "Simultaneous delivery" checkbox in the [spread] in batch.
Set all, Cancel all (Cancel) (Displays only for Cancel shipping order)
Clicking this button checks/unchecks the "cancel" checkbox in the [spread] in batch.
D entry
The data in detail rows selected with the cursor is displayed in
[Sub item entry] screen
screen, allowing you to enter in the details of the Shipping order.
The data in detail rows selected with the cursor is displayed in [Refer sales order data] screen, allowing you to check the information you entered in [Sales order entry] screen. No modification can be made.
The Detail Rows with the checkbox checked will be processed.