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Debts auto-journal (Object list) - "New"

Auto-journal processing can be carried out for debts data that has been input into the following screens: Debts, Purchase / Purchase Returns, Repayment, and Lease Payment. The range of the debts data for auto-journalizing is then specified.
→To Operation Procedure

Screen Transition

[Debts Control Module]
[Execute Auto-Journal]
[Execute auto-journal (from/to) - "New" button] screen
[Execute auto-journal (Object list)] screen

Item setup

The debts data that can be journalized (Debts Data, Purchase / Purchase Returns, Repayment Data, and Lease Payment Data) is shown in a list. Select the debts data to be journalized from this list.





Error after clicking the "Start" button

If at least one Object of Execution box is not checked for the data shown in the list, the error message, "Object data does not exist" will appear. If there is a row with a mark in the Object of Execution check box, auto-journalization will be performed for the data as follows.
Automatic determination as to whether journalization is possible will be made for each data item. Auto-journalization is performed for the data for which journalization was determined to be possible. For the data for which journalization was determined not to be possible, auto-journalizing is not performed and re-reading is carried out (the background of the re-read rows will become light blue). If there is data for which auto-journalization is determined not to be possible, the confirmation message, "Auto-journal has not been performed because some of the vouchers have been updated / deleted. The process is completed" and the "OK" button will appear. By clicking the "OK" button, re-reading of the data that was not auto-journalized will be performed, and it will be re-displayed on the [Object List] screen spreadsheet. Whether or not data can be auto-journalized is determined in the following way.

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