Direct shipping entry - Arriving/Purchase tab
In the arriving / purchase tab in [Direct shipping entry], enter the payment method.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Shipping Control Module]
[Direct Shipping Entry]
[Direct shipping entry] screen - Direct shipping data tab
[Direct shipping entry] screen - Arriving/Purchase tab
[Direct shipping entry] screen - Shipping/Sales tab
Item Setup
[Payment method]
Depending on the specified "Settle method," the items that will appear will differ. The default display of the "settle method" for the purchase order details with the "Register" checkbox turned ON will appear.
Settle method
When "Accountee" is specified, the default "Debts settlement method" for the specified correspondent that is registered in
correspondent] will appear.
Debts Dept
Expiration date
No settlement
Depending on the "Settle method" entered, the default ON/OFF display and
select ability differ.
Depending on the "Settle method" entered, the default ON/OFF display and
select ability differ.
(1) When the "Settle method" is "(blank)" or when the settle type in "Settle method" is "auto - transfer"
T/F applicant name
Own financial Inst, Own bank account
The default "Own financial inst" and "Own bank account" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method] under [Debts Control Module]
will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
Corresp'S financial Inst, Corresp'S bank account
The default "correspondent's financial inst" and "correspondent's bank account" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
Debts A/C(Cr), Debts sub A/C(Cr)
The default "Debts A/C(Cr)" and "Debts sub A/C(Cr)" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
JBA code
JBA branch code
Bank account type
Bank account No.
Bank account nominee
(2) When the settle type in "Settle method" is "Cash/Check payment forthwith"
Check No.
Receipt No.
Memo1, 2
Cash A/C(Dr), Cash sub A/C(Dr)
The default "Cash A/C(Dr)" and "Cash sub A/C(Dr)" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
(3) When the settle type in "Settle method" are "Cash/Check Pay later", "NR endorsement", "Debts offset /Prepaid aprprt", "Other errors", and "Suspended"
Memo1, 2
Debts A/C(Cr), Debts sub A/C(Cr)
The default "Debts A/C(Cr)" and "Debts sub A/C(Cr)" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
(4) When the settle type in "Settle method" is "Auto debit"
Own financial Inst, Own bank account
The default "Own financial Inst" and "Own bank account" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
Debts A/C(Cr), Debts sub A/C(Cr)
The default "Debts A/C(Cr)" and "Debts sub A/C(Cr)" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
(5) When the settle type in "Settle method" is "Brought - in T/F"
Own financial Inst, Own bank account
The default "Own financial Inst" and "Own bank account" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
under [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
Corresp's financial Inst, Corresp's bank account
The default "Corresp's financial Inst" and "Corresp's bank account" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
under [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
Debts A/C(Cr), Debts sub A/C(Cr)
The default "Debts A/C(Cr)" and "Debts sub A/C(Cr)" registered in the
[Register debts settlement method]
under [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
(6) When the settle type in "Settle method" is "Drawing of NP"
Due Date
Delivery location
The default "delivery location" registered in
[Register debts settlement method]
in [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
Memo1, 2
Debts A/C(Cr), Debts sub A/C(Cr)
The default "Debts A/C(Cr)" and "Debts sub A/C(Cr)" registered in
[Register debts settlement method]
in [Debts Control Module] will be displayed for the specified "Settle method".
[Payment method(Common)]
Link the sales order detail and the purchase order detail by checking the
[Register] checkbox in the Direct shipping data tab, and process the direct shipping.