Arriving entry
In [Arriving entry], select the object from the list of retrieved purchase order data, and create the arriving data. Also, you may cancel registered arrival data.
When the purchase order number is entered in the [Header], the matching purchase order data appears, allowing the transfer of purchase order data.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Arriving Control Module]
[Arriving Entry]
[Arriving entry] screen
"Details entry"
button → [Sub item entry] screen
button → [Refer purchase order] data
Item Setup
In the [purchase order entry] in [Purchase order], specify the items that can be entered as searching conditions.
Here, we will only comment on the items that require explanation such as items that do not exist in the entry screen in [purchase order entry].
Process type
Select either "Arriving" or "Cancel arriving."
Register arrival for Purchase order data
Cancel arriving:
Cancel registered arrival data.
Summarize by vouchers, Summary settle method (Displays only when "arriving" in "Process type" is selected)
Select Create Unit of arriving data.
Summarize by vouchers: Create shipping data by Purchase Order Voucher
Summary settle method: Create the arriving data by settlement method. The "Summary settle method" cannot be selected unless "summarize by voucher" is turned off.
Besides the summarize conditions above that are specified in the screen, the following items implicit conditions.
Implicit Summary condition
Summary conditions specified on the screen
Payee, Currency, Purchase order Dept, L/C No., Taxable type, Trade condition, Delivering Destination type, Arriving warehouse
Voucher unit, Settle method
When both "Summarize by vouchers" and "Summary settle method" are turned OFF, summarization is made with the implicit summary conditions.
Purchase order internal No., Purchase order voucher No.
Arriving Internal No., Arriving voucher No. (Displayed only when "cancel arriving" is selected in "process type")
[Arriving header]
Entry date
In charge
The default Login User is displayed. Changes cannot be made
S/A No.
When settling intransit data, enter the "S/A No." entered in [Intransit entry].
The following information on the arriving data that match the conditions will be listed up.
Register (Displayed only when "arriving" is selected in "Process type")
Turn ON the details row checkbox of the Objects for arriving.
Cancel (Displayed only when "cancel arriving" is selected in "process type")
Turn ON the Detail Row checkbox of the objects for arriving cancellation.
GRP (Displayed only when "arriving" is selected in "process type")
The same number will be allocated and displayed by the summary unit specified in [Header]. The details of the same number can be summarized into one arriving voucher.
Entry date
Relation No.1(purchase order No.)
The Purchase order Number that is used for Arriving will be displayed.
Goods code, Name
Arriving No. (prefix No.)
In the case of Arriving
The operator's default Prefix Number will appear. Changes can be made.
In the case of Cancel arriving
The Number of the Created Arriving voucher will appear.
Arriving No.(numbering), Arriving No.
Arriving row No.
In the case of arriving cancellation, the row number of the detail row of the object arriving voucher will appear.
Arriving available Qty (Displayed only when "arriving" is selected in "process type")
In arriving processing, the arriving available Qty appears by arriving candidate detail. When a part of the Arriving Qty has finished Arriving processing, the "Arriving Qty balance (Arriving Qty - Arrived Qty)" will appear.
Std unit
The Standard unit registered by goods in the [Goods master] will appear.
Arriving unit1
In case of Arriving:
The arriving unit that will be used in this arriving will appear. Changes can be made to goods that have the packing units registered.
In the case of Cancel arriving:
Nothing will be displayed
Arriving Qty
The arriving Qty of goods by Standard units will be displayed.
The QUP of goods by arriving units specified in "Arriving unit1" will appear. This is the QUP that is registered in [Register packing unit].
Std Qty
The Arriving Qty(Arriving Qty & times QUP) in Standard conversion Units will appear.
Arriving balance Qty (Displayed only when "arriving" is selected in "Process type")
The arriving object Qty (arriving available Qty - Atd Qty) of which the arriving processing has not been executed will display.
Delivering date
Scheduled arriving date
Reply date of arriving schedule
Delivering Dest type
The Delivering Dest Type entered in purchase order entry will appear. Changes can be made.
Dept (warehouse/process)/Corresp code, Name
The Warehouse/ Process Dept entered in purchase order entry will appear. Changes can be made. When entry has not been made in purchase order entry, entry is required at this time.
Location code, Name
Vendor code, Name
The vendor entered in Arriving Target data will appear. Changes can be made.
Payee code, Name
The payee entered in Arriving Target data will appear. Changes cannot be made
Taxable type code, Name
Currency type, Name
Unit price setup, Current unit price
Packing unit price, Current packing unit price
Goods group, Name
Product structure code, Name
Goods number (correspondent), Name
Trade condition
L/C control No.
PO Dept code, Name
In charge code of purchase order, Name
Settle method code (Displayed only when "arriving" is selected in "Process type")
Set all, Cancel all
When this button is clicked during selection of process target data, the "register" checkbox will be turned ON/OFF in one Bulk.
Details entry
The [Sub item entry] screen of the Detail row selected with the cursor will display. The details of arriving can be entered.
The data in detail rows selected with the cursor is displayed in [Refer purchase order data] screen, allowing you to check the information you entered in [Purchase order entry] screen. No modification can be made.
If you click this button, the Purchase order data retrieved in [arriving], and the arriving Finished data retrieved in [cancel arriving] will be listed.
The Detail Rows with the checkboxes turned ON will be processed.