Purchase order entry - Header tab
Enter purchase order header information (Payee, Vendor, Dept, Settlement method and so on) with [Header] tab on the [Purchase order entry] screen.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
[Purchase Order Module]
[Purchase Order Entry]
[Purchase order entry] screen - Header tab
"Credit limit"
button → [Confirm credit] screen
[Purchase order entry] screen - Detail tab
Item Setup
Entry date
Internal No.
Purchase order No.
Purchase request No.
Dept, In charge
The following are displayed. Purchase order "Status" can be changed through the pull down menu.
Purchase order
This is the status immediately after entering purchase order data. Regardless of the approval status on the [Purchase order gate] screen, this status remains unless processed at the arriving process below.
This is purchase order data with an arriving entry in the [Arriving control module] with a status of yet to arrive.
Purchase order data with "Arriving" status cannot be modified with the [Purchase order entry] screen except for "Status."
This is purchase order data with an arriving entry in the [Arriving control module] with a status of arrived from vendor. Purchase order data with an "Arrived" status cannot be modified on the [Purchase order entry] screen.
The default currency registered with [Register correspondent] for the specified "Payee" is displayed.
It is possible to select other currencies.
Rate type
The default rate type registered with [Register correspondent] in the [Common master module] is displayed.
If another currency is selected, it is also possible to select the rate type.
Exchange rate
VAT summary unit
The default VAT summary unit registered with [Register correspondent] for the specified "Payee" is displayed. It cannot be changed.
Tax, Tax (SC)
The total tax Amt for the detail entered with the [Detail] tab is displayed in the entry currency and standard currency.
When "Currency" is standard currency, tax is not displayed. It is also not displayed when the "VAT summary unit" is "None"
Amt, Amt (SC)
The total amount for the detail entered with the [Detail] tab is displayed in the entry currency and standard currency. When the "Currency" is standard currency, the Amt is not displayed.
Select the L/C No. for the "Open" type registered with the [Register L/C] screen.
[Payment Method]
Enter the information required for purchase entry, such as Settlement method and so on. Even if it is not entered at the purchase order stage, it can be entered at the purchase entry stage.
The items displayed vary according to the specified "Settlement method".
The "Settlement method" for purchase order detail with the [Register] check box switched on is default.
Settlement method
When specifying the "Payee", the default "Debts settlement method" registered with [Register correspondent] for the specified correspondent will be displayed.
Debts dept
Expiration date
No settlement
Settle (SC)
(1) When "Settlement method" is "(Blank)" or the settlement type of the "Settlement method" is "Auto-transfer"
T/F applicant name
The default "T/F applicant name" registered with [Register correspondent] for the specified correspondent is displayed.
Own financial inst, Own bank account
The "Own financial inst" and "Own bank account" registered with [Register debts settlement method] in the [Debts control module] for the specified "Settlement method" are default.
Corresp's financial inst, Corresp's bank account
The "Corresp's financial inst" and "Corresp's bank account" registered with [Register debts settlement method] in the [Debts control module] for the specified "Settlement method" are default.
Debts A/C (Cr), Debts sub A/C (Cr)
JBA code
JBA branch code
Bank account type, Bank account No., Bank account nominee
The "Bank account type", "Bank account No.", and "Bank account nominee" registered in [Register bank account] for the specified "Corresp's bank account" are default.
B.A.C. entried
(2) When the settlement type of the "Settlement method" is "Cash/Check payment forthwith"
Check No.
Receipt No.
Memo 1, 2
Cash A/C (Cr), Cash sub A/C (Cr)
(3) When the settlement type of the "Settlement method" is "Cash/Check pay later", "NR endorsement", "Advance R receipt", "Claims offset/Prepaid appropriation", "Others", "Suspended"
Memo1, 2
Debts A/C (Cr), Debts sub A/C (Cr)
(4) When the settlement type of the "Settlement method" is "Auto-debit"
Own financial inst, Own bank account
The "Own financial inst." And "Own bank account" registered with [Register debts settlement method] in the [Settlement method module] for the specified "Settlement method" are default.
Debts A/C (Cr), Debts sub A/C (Cr)
(5) When the settlement type of the "Settlement method" is "Brought -in T/F"
Own financial inst, Own bank account
The "Own financial inst." and "Own bank account" registered with [Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts control module] for the specified "Settlement method" are default.
Corresp's financial inst, Corresp's bank account
The "Corresp's financial inst." and "Corresp's bank account" registered with [Register debts settlement method]
in the [Debts control module] for the specified "Settlement method" are default.
Debts A/C (Cr), Debts sub A/C (Cr)
(6) When the settlement type of the "Settlement method" is "Drawing of notes payable"
Delivery location
The delivery location registered with [Register debts settlement method] in the [Debts control module] for the specified "Settlement type" is default.
Memo1, 2
Debts A/C (Cr), Debts sub A/C (Cr)
[Payment Method (Common)]
D description
Project code 1, 2
Accounting analysis code 1, 2
Flexible master 1 - 3
Flexible Amt 1, 2
Enter as the memo Amt.
Flexible date 1, 2
Enter as the memo date.
Post pad
Source internal No., Source voucher No.
Attached paper 1 - 3
You can attach data. Select the data to attach from the
[Open..] window, which will display by double-clicking.
[Sub item]
Evidence No.
Flexible master 1 - 5
Flexible Amt 1, 2
Flexible date 1, 2
Post pad
Issued voucher
A check appears for data that has already been issued. For an issued voucher prior to approval, it is possible to modify the voucher, but it cannot be deleted.
[Spread 1]
Detail is entered with the Detail tab, and when it has been committed, the following detail information is listed and displayed.
Goods G code, name
Goods code, name
Unit Qty
The quantity is displayed in the Std unit or the Packing unit for the entered goods.
Unit price
The unit or the packing unit for the entered goods is displayed.
Amt before tax, Tax, Total Amt
[Spread 2]
Detail is entered with the Detail tab, and when it has been committed, the information about the total Amt for all detail is listed and displayed.
Taxable type, Tax type, Tax rate
Amt before tax, Tax, Total Amt
Amt before tax (SC), Tax (SC), Total Amt (SC)