Quotation entry, Sales order entry - Header tab
Enter Header information for quotation data and sales order data (Accountee, Delivery to, Dept. Settlement method and so on) with header tab on the [Quotation entry] screen and the [Sales order entry] screen.
→To Operation Procedure
Screen Transition
For [Quotation entry]
[Sales Order Module]
[Entry (Quotation)]
[Quotation Entry]
[Quotation entry] screen - Header tab
"Confirm credit"
button → [Confirm credit] screen
"Unit price"
button → [Refer price history] screen
"Register pattern"
button → [Register pattern] screen
[Quotation entry] screen - Detail tab
For [Sales order entry]
[Sales Order Module]
[Entry (Sales Order)]
[Sales Order Entry]
[Sales order entry] screen - Header tab
"Confirm credit"
button → [Confirm credit] screen
"Unit price"
button → [Refer price history] screen
"Register pattern"
button → [Register pattern] screen
[Sales order entry] screen - Detail tab
Item Setup
Entry date
Quotation expire date (Only displayed on the [Quotation entry] screen)
It selects the term of validity recorded on the quotation. The default date is one month after the Entry date.
Internal No.
Special trade type
This check box is switched on for military-related trades.
Turning this checkbox on when the goods are "#(STC List products)" or "%(CA products)" will always be displayed as an error item (STC error item) on the [Sales order gate] screen.
Confirm request flag(Only displayed on the [Sales order entry] screen)
This check box is switched on for sales orders that need approval.
When the check box is switched on, it will be displayed as an error
item (Export control error code) on he [Sales order gate] screen.
Quotation No. , History No. (Only displayed on the [Quotation entry] screen)
Press the enter key after entering or selecting the registered Quotation No. and the data for the specified Quotation No. will be displayed on the screen and it can be modified, However, quotation data that has already been used and processed in another sales order entry cannot be modified.
When quotation data has been modified in the past, the most recent History No, is displayed. It is not possible to display past history. It is only possible to see how many times it has been modified.
Sales order No. (Only displayed on the [Sales order entry] screen)
Press the enter key after entering or selecting the registered Sales order No., and the data for the specified Sales order No., will be displayed on the screen, and it can be modified. However, it is not possible to modify sales order data that has already been released by the sales order gate.
Quotation internal No. (Only displayed on the [Sales order entry] screen)
When entering sales order data in continuation of entered quotation content, enter the internal No., at the time of quotation entry. Press the enter key after entering or selecting, and the content of the specified Quotation No. will be displayed on the screen. It is not possible to specify quotation data that has already been used and processed in another sales order entry.
When quotation data has been modified in the past, the latest History No. will be displayed.
Accountee , or Employee
After selecting "Accountee" for sales to a correspondent and "Employee" for sale to an employee, enter the code.
Correspondent purchase order No.
Enter the number printed on the Quotation of the Purchase order voucher as the "Customer order No."
After specifying "Accountee", the first "Flexible setup" registered with
[Register correspondent] in the [Common master module] for the specified correspondent will be displayed.
Delivery to
After specifying "Accountee", the default "Delivery to" registered in [Register correspondent] for the specified correspondent will be displayed.
When changing "Delivery to", it is possible to select from the "Delivery to" that has been register structured to the Accountee with [Register delivery to].
Consignee , End user
It is possible to select "Customer" or "Customer and vendor" as "Correspondent type" from among the correspondents registered with [Register correspondent]. It is also possible to enter the name manually.
Dept , charge
Status as below is displayed on quotation data and sales order data.
Quotation/Sales order
This is quotation data for which there is no sales order. This is also the status for when new quotation data is entered.
Sales order
This is quotation for sales order processing has been conducted. Quotation data followed by sales order entry with the [Sales order entry] screen has this status. Quotation data with the "Sales order" status cannot be modified with the [Quotation entry] screen.
Sales order
Sales order
This is the status immediately after entry of sales order data. Regardless of the approval status with the [Sales order gate] screen, this status remains so long as the next shipping order process is not processed.
Shipping order
This is sales order data that has a shipping order with the [Shipping control module].
Sales order data with a "Shipping order" status cannot be modified with the [Sales order entry] screen except for "Status".
This is sales order data with a shipping entry in the [Shipping control module] with a status of yet to be delivered
Sales order data with "Shipping" status cannot be modified with the[Sales order entry] screen except for "Status."
This is sales order data with a shipping entry in the [Shipping control module] with a status of delivered to "Deliver to".
Sales order data with a "Shipping" status cannot be modified on the [Sales order entry] screen.
The default currency registered with [Register correspondent] for the specified correspondent is displayed when "Accountee" has been specified.
Std currency is the default when "Employee" has been specified.
It is possible to select other currencies.
Rate type
The default rate type registered with [Register correspondent] in the [Common master module] is displayed.
When "Employee" ha been specified, "None" is the default for Std currency.
If another currency is selected, it is also possible to select the rate type.
Exchange rate
VAT summary unit
The default VAT summary unit for each correspondent registered with [Register correspondent] is displayed when "Accountee" has been specified.
When "Employee" has been specified, the employee VAT summary unit registered with [Logistics parameter
setup] in the [Logistics master module] is displayed. It cannot be changed.
Tax , Tax (SC)
The total tax Amt for the detail entered with the [Detail] tab is displayed in the entry currency and standard currency. When "Currency" is standard currency, tax is not displayed. It is also not displayed when the "VAT summary unit" is "None"
Amt , Amt (SC)
The total amount for the detail entered with the [Detail] tab is displayed in the entry currency and standard currency
When the "Currency" is standard currency, the Amt is not displayed.
Select the L/C No. for the "Receive" type registered with the [Register L/C] screen.
Trade condition
It is possible to select any of the trade conditions below.
At the time of shipping order and sales, it is possible to create a voucher summarizing Deliver to unit and Settlement method unit, and they cannot be summarized on the same voucher when the trade condition is not the same.
Trade condition
An abbreviation of Cost and Freight.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods on board, ie beyond the ship's rail, in the port of origin of the vessel arranged as far as the port of destination at the seller's expense.
An abbreviation of Cost, Insurance and Freight. The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods on board, ie beyond the ship's rail, in the port of origin of the vessel arranged as far as the port of destination and arranging for the prescribed marine insurance agreement at the seller's expense.
An abbreviation of Carriage and Insurance Paid To.
The seller is discharged from obligation by preparing the contracted goods, delivering the contracted goods to the supervision of a carrier in the place of origin and arranging for the prescribed marine insurance agreement. CIP is basically air freight
and complex integrated freight conditions that correspond to CIF in sea freight.
An abbreviation of Carriage Paid To.
The seller is discharged from obligation by arranging a freight agreement as far as the port of destination at the seller's own expense and delivering the contracted goods to the supervision of a carrier in the place of origin of the contracted goods. CPT is basically air freight and Complex integrated freight conditions That correspond to CFR in sea freight.
An abbreviation of Free Alongside Ship.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods alongside a vessel in the buyer's specified port of origin. Notwithstanding, the buyer must pay for export customs clearance.
An abbreviation of Free Carrier.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods into the supervision of a carrier in the buyer's specified place of origin. FCA is basically air freight and complex integrated freight conditions that correspond to FOB in sea freight.
An abbreviation of Free on Board.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods on board a vessel, ie beyond the ship's rail, in the buyer's specified port of origin.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods to the buyer at a specified location on the specified national border.
An abbreviation of Delivered Ex Ship.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods to the buyer on board a vessel in the specified port of destination.
An abbreviation of Delivered Ex Quay.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods to the buyer at the quay in the specified port of destination. Notwithstanding, the seller must pay for import customs clearance and duty.
An abbreviation of Delivered duty Unpaid
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods to the buyer in the specified place of destination.
An abbreviation of Delivered Duty Paid.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods to the buyer in the specified place of destination. Notwithstanding, the buyer must pay for import customs clearance and duty. This trade condition puts the minimum obligation on the buyer and is the maximum obligation for the seller.
An abbreviation of ExWorks.
The seller is discharged from obligation by delivering the contracted goods to the buyer at the specified location such as the factory. Therefore, the buyer must pay for export customs clearance. This trade condition puts the minimum obligation on the seller and is the maximum obligation for the buyer.
[Collection Method]
Enter the information required for sales entry, such as Settlement method and so on. Even if it is not entered at the quotation or sales order stage, it can be entered at the sales entry stage.
The items displayed vary according to the specified "Settlement method".
Settlement method
When "Accountee" I specified, the default "Claims settlement method" registered with [Register correspondent] for the specified correspondent is displayed.
Settlement methods with the settlement type "Prepay (autotransfer)" or "Prepay (not autotransfer)" cannot be selected as "Settlement method".
Claims dept
Expiration date
No settlement
(1) When "Settlement method" is "(Blank)" or when the settlement type of "Settlement method" is "T/F Settle"
Own financial inst, Own bank account
The "Own financial inst" and "Own bank account" registered with [Register debts settlement method] in the [Claims control module] for the specified "Settlement method" are default.
Claims A/C (Dr) , Claims sub A/C (Dr)
(2) When the settlement type of "Settlement method" is "Cash/check receive forthwith"
Check No.
Receipt No.
Memo1 , 2
Cash A/C (Dr) , Cash sub A/C (Dr)
(3) When the settlement type of "Settlement method" is "Cash/check receive later", "Debts Offset/Advance R appropriation", "Others", "Suspended"
Memo 1 , 2
Claims A/C (Dr) , Claims sub A/C (Dr)
(4) When the settlement type of "Settlement method" is "Notes receivable"
- Date
- Delivery location
The "Delivery location" registered with [Register claims settlement method] in the [Claims control module] for the specified "Settlement method" is default.
- Issue receipt of notes receivable
- Memo1 , 2
- Claims A/C (Dr) , Claims sub A/C (Dr)
[Collection Method (Common)]
- D description
- Project code1 , 2
- Accounting analysis code 1 , 2
- Flexible master 1 - 3
- Flexible Amt 1 , 2
Enter as the memo Amt.
- Flexible date 1 , 2
Enter as the memo date.
- Post pad
- Correspondent blanket approval No., date, Consignee blanket approval No., date, End user blanket approval No. date (Only displayed on [Sales order entry] screen)
When an "Internal blanket No." within the term of validity has been set up with [Register correspondent] for the relevant Correspondent, Consignee and End user, and a "Scheduled shipping date" has been entered with the [Detail] tab, the number and date are displayed.
- Individual approval No.(Only displayed on the [Sales order entry] screen)
When the "Individual approval No." for the relevant sales order data has been entered with the [Sales order gate], the number id displayed.
- Source internal No. , Source voucher No.
- Attached paper 1 - 3
You can attach data. Select the data to attach from the [Open..] window,
which will display by double-clicking.
- Evidence No.
- Flexible master1 - 5
- Flexible Amt1 , 2
- Flexible date1 , 2
- Post pad
- Issued voucher
A check appears for data that has already been issued. For an issued voucher prior to approval, it is possible to modify the voucher, but it cannot be deleted.
[Spreadsheet 1]
Detail is entered with the Detail tab, and when it has been committed, the following detail information is listed and displayed.
- goods G code , name
- goods code , name
- Qty
The quantity is displayed in the Std unit or the Packing unit for the entered goods.
- Unit price
- Unit
The unit or the packing unit for the entered goods is displayed.
- Amt before tax , Tax, Total Amt
[Spreadsheet 2]
Detail is entered with the Detail tab, and when it has been committed, the information about the total Amt for all detail is listed and displayed.
- Taxable type , Tax type , Tax rate
- Amt before tax , Tax , Total Amt
- Amt before tax (SC) , Tax (SC) , Total Amt (SC)
Confirm credit
Click, and when the Accountee has been registered with [Register credit limit] , the credit information for the accountee will be displayed on the
[Confirm credit] screen.
Copy voucher
Read pattern
Register pattern