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Outline of Sales Order Module

Function Outline

The [Sales Order Module] controls sales orders. In addition to entry of quotation vouchers and sales order vouchers, it is possible to issue quotations and sales order vouchers, approve sales orders and output various lists and summary sheets related to sales orders.
Quotation voucher entry and sales order voucher entry are carried out through the [Quotation entry] screen and the [Sales order entry] screen respectively. It is also possible to omit quotation entry and commence directly from sales order entry.
When receiving a purchase order relating to an entered quotation voucher, it is possible to continue the quotation data content on the [Sales order entry] screen. By displaying the object quotation No. on the [Sales order entry] screen and copying the content, it is possible to prevent entry errors and simplify work.

Menu Structure

Forms that can be output

The forms that can be output in the [Sales order module] are as below.

Form name

Function outline

Quotation list

It outputs a list of quotation vouchers.

Sales order list

It outputs a list of sales order vouchers.

Sales order balance list

It outputs a list of sales order data with some part of which is yet to be delivered. It can search by scheduled shipping date and delivering date, so it can also be used to confirm shipping delay and delivering delay.

Delivering delay list

It outputs a list of sales order vouchers with delivering delay out of the sales order data that has been entered in sales.

Sales order summary sheet

It summarizes and outputs sales order data in the specified period by goods and by in charge, etc. If list headings of rows and summary items are designated in [Register analysis items] in [Logistics Master], it can also specify currency and compare the actual results with budget.

Shipping schedule list

It outputs scheduled shipping sales order data in unit of detail. It can also set range (from/to) and output by accountee, by department, and also "in charge".

See here for output of forms.

Sales Order Approval (Pass SO Gate) Conditions

In sales order approval, the approval procedure is automatic when there are no errors in any of the checking items below.

Checking items with the "Sales order checking condition" check box in [Logistic parameter setup] of the [Logistics master module] switched on are checked. Checking items with the check box switched off are not checked. However, when the "Sales order gate required" check box in [Logistic parameter setup] is switched on, Release is needed as it is displayed on the [Sales order gate] screen, regardless of whether there is an error or not.

The checking flow on the [Sales Order gate] screen is as shown below.


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